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Thursday, December 10, 2015

08/12: #projekpiknik 2.0

Assalamualaikum and hello guys!

Finally I have time and space to update new entry. Yeayy hahahahaha~! Now is my time to enjoy my semester breaks and last Tuesday my friends and I had a picnic. It's actually my last year photography project which is a picnic theme. Because of my hectic schedules since last year so I didn't have time to do that project. Thanks to my friends because finally my project were held! *give flying kisses*

I spent a lot of money just to sure that this project will be excellent! Last Monday, a day before the project, I drove my car to the town because I need to buy fresh flowers, a float balloon and ingredients to bake my cake. I even spent more time to make DIY garlands. Luckily it looks good for my photography project.

 Feel free to check out my photography page; Raihanah Ariff The Visualogue

Sorry for my broken English.


  1. Never have picnic with friends before but when I look at your photo's "Darn it ! that's look fun !!! why why why" . Haha :D

    - Syamsid Blog -

    1. You should having picnic with your friends. Try to create best memories with them. Having picnic with friends is superb cool! :)

  2. Beautiful photos, love the colors. Looks like you had a great time!

  3. I like how you set up the theme and everyone is wearing white, with colourful headgears, which kinda match with the little flags there... looks fun, and I can say that your photography skills are totally of a different level from when you started XD

  4. Menarik sangat! Tak pernah pun buat picnic camni! Ahhh, sukaaa sangat tengok foto tu, cantiiik :3

  5. lawa kot gambar-gambar. sesuai dengan font
